For any questions, do not hesitate to come to the AS office, at 27 Saint-Guillaume Street, you will find a staff to help you. You can also contact us on facebook or consult the Sciences Po Sport and Culture FAQ.
To get a medical certificate, go to your doctor. You can also get them free of charge by appointment at SIUMPPS at Paris-Descartes University. Be sure to bring your student card with you when you visit. Attention, they do not issue medical certificates there in competition!
Below is the address of SIUMPPS:
SIUMPPS, Paris Descartes University,
75006 Paris 1st Floor, Office T145.
Le certificat médical est obligatoire pour la pratique sportive, il sera à fournir au plus vite sur ton espace étudiant (bien qu’un délai de deux semaines depuis les inscriptions te soit accordé environ). Pour le sport “loisir”, la validité de ce certificat est de trois ans. Attention toutefois à bien télécharger le certificat chaque début de semestre sur ton espace étudiant.
Si tu comptes participer à des compétitions et rencontres universitaires, le certificat n’est valide qu’un an et doit impérativement comporter la mention “en compétition” ainsi que le sport pratiqué.
Tu peux envoyer un mail au responsable de la vie étudiante et du sport, à l'adresse
Enrollment in a sport that conflicts with a course schedule is not authorized when registering on your student area. However, it is possible to register on the waiting list and depending on the places available, you can be registered manually.
The matches take place on Thursday afternoons. It is therefore important that during your Sport Registration, you free this period, or at least between 13:00 and 19:00 if possible.
To register for leisure sports and health/well-being, you can pay for your sport ONLY online during the IP on your student area (bank card). Attention, at the end of this first day, any unpaid registration will be canceled and put back into play.
To register for competitive sports, payment is to be made on your student space once your integration into the team has been validated.
Yes, at the end of the semester, the Le département de la Vie étudiante de Sciences Po will send an email containing a Google Form to specify the sport you want credited and/or the sport or those you do not want to appear on your statement.
Prices vary depending on the sport you practice. You can find all the rates hither, in the brochures of the sports concerned, the prices indicated are those for the semester.
No, there are no trial courses for leisure sports, but in case of health problems or if you do not like the course, it is possible to get a refund until the end of the first week of sports lessons.
As long as these courses do not conflict with mandatory courses, it is perfectly possible to register for several sports. However, during educational registrations only two registrations are authorized, including cultural activities. Registration for additional activities will have to be done from the waiting list.