The Bees are the Sciences Po Paris cheerleading team, a sport which combines gymnastics, dance, and stunts. above all, cheerleading is a team sport, involving teamwork, motivation, and high standards. This team is also a close-knit family, not only during training sessions, but also during the many team outings and after parties. Positivity, trust, and good humor are the key words for our team. Don't wait, join the Bees and make some unforgettable memories!
Find all the latest Bees news on instagram !
Notes : Remember to bring a bottle of water, sports shoes, and NO jewelry! Saturdays are the most important training sessions: the coach is present.
Everyone is invited to apply for the tryouts, including boys! (Even better if you have experience in cheerleading, dancing, gymnastics, etc.) It is not mandatory to be French and to speak French!
Everyone is welcome to come to tryouts, including boys! (Even better if you have previous experience in cheerleading, gymnastics, etc.) It is not required to be French nationality or fluent in French!
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